Over 200 advertising and marketing professionals attended an Independent News & Media-hosted event in the Royal Hibernian Academy last night (November 24th) as part of the group’s ongoing initiative to demonstrate the power of print advertising.
At the event, further details of the anonymous advertising teaser campaign which ran throughout November, were revealed.
The personalised print ads invited named industry professionals to join in ‘an exciting journey’ by visiting a dedicated website www.anexcitingjourneyawaits.com, where they would be in with a chance of winning one of two tickets to Cannes Lions 2017. The campaign, which ran across the Irish Independent, Sunday Independent, The Herald and The Sunday World, led the marketing community and readers alike to question who was personalising the print.
INM revealed itself as being behind the campaign, demonstrating that it was a print newspaper ad, that had brought media planners, buyers and industry professionals to the website, thus proving that the power of print advertising.
In May, the group published The Book of Evidence which demonstrated the important role print ads play in driving sales. The research was the largest piece of research independently conducted by a publisher in Ireland, spanning over 3 years and 20 million data points.
“This event was another step on the journey we want to take marketers on. We wanted to drive the message and prove that Book of Evidence finding that print is an integral part of the marketing mix, driving 10% of all landing page visits. As the leading media organisation in Ireland, it is important that we provide insightful information on the print industry and the benefits it continues to offer in a challenging environment. This event was a light and fun celebration, which successfully demonstrates the influencing power of the mind, the foundation of all good marketing,” says Geoff Lyons, commercial director of Independent News & Media.
“With the media landscape shifting and changing at the whim of technology and consumer trends, it’s sometimes hard to find facts. Print advertising is still an important part of the marketing mix, with companies utilising this channel as a means of reaching their target audience. This was highlighted through The Book of Evidence and it is again demonstrated through the ‘Exciting Journey Awaits’ campaign, which directly proves that 25% of all sales delivered by media are driven by print advertising,” adds Karen Preston, group advertising director of Independent News & Media.
For more details on the findings contained in The Book of Evidence click HERE http://www.inm.ie/thebookofevidence/