Brands like McDonald’s, AIB and Carlsberg featured prominently in new research carried out by PML Group to establish OOH brand recall amongst Dubliners.
PML Group has researched almost 300 OOH campaigns in the first three months of 2017. Over 2,000 Dubliners aged 16-54 have been surveyed during that period as part of the Poster Impact campaign effectiveness research programme.
Trended results from all the campaigns researched, across a wide variety of product categories, indicate that transport formats such as T-Sides and Supersides generated the highest levels of recall.
According to Colum Harmon, marketing director, PML: “Much of the conversation around OOH media in recent times is about the fantastic progress the medium is making through a programme of digitisation and format improvement. However, it’s interesting to note that classic external bus formats remain the star performer when it comes to driving recall on OOH. A multi-format approach is recommended to build coverage and drive recall and we find transport plays a significant role in so many successful campaigns.”
He points out that a city centre presence, a younger audience profile and mobility are reasons why such formats perform so well.
Among the best recalled campaigns overall in Q1 were McDonald’s McMór, AIB Mortgages, featuring Mick and Kate, and Carlsberg Football.
The Poster Impact research service recently turned 21, having first investigated OOH campaign effectiveness in April 1996. Among the first ‘book’ of campaigns researched were PMPA, Castrol Oil, Ritz and Eircell, the telecoms company that would later rebrand as Vodafone.
To date, Poster Impact has listened to the views of more than 115,000 Dubliners on 16,000 Outdoor campaigns. The inepdent research is conducted on behalf of PML Group by Ipsos MRBI.