Three new members have jointed the Marketing Society’s council as Avril Collins, a director of Murray takes over as Chair while Chris Upton of Boys and Girls takes on the role of Vice-Chair.
The three new members of the council are David Erixon, Ulster Bank; Olga Murphy, Millward Brown and Naomi Staff, Core Research.
At the AGM of the Marketing Society, members were told that membership has increased by 20% over the past year as a result of continued improvements for members and increased growth in the marketing sector. The Society’s Future Council which is for professionals in the first five years of their career, also continues to go from strength-to-strength.
According to Avril Collins: “It’s with great enthusiasm that we welcome our three new Council members on board and kick off our 2018 term at the Marketing Society of Ireland. We’ve seen our membership grow by 20% last year and we will seek to continue this growth momentum in the year ahead. Marketing professionals value the important peer-to-peer network that we offer and arguably our most important job in 2018 will be to continue to offer a current, relevant and influential forum to senior marketers and researchers in Ireland to connect to share knowledge and thought leadership. It’s a privilege to take up the role of Chair of the Society at a time of such momentum for the industry. Our 2018 programme will continue to spotlight the issues that matter today and tomorrow such as asserting, at board level, the power of marketing communications as a key driver of business growth and positively connecting with audiences in a post-recession environment.”
The new Council members join the existing Marketing Society Council of Avril Collins, Chair (Murray); Chris Upton, Vice-Chair (Boys & Girls); Andy Pierce, Secretary (Core Media); Lesley Kelleher, Treasurer (Coyne); Anita Mullan (B&A); Darragh Rea (Edelman); Peter McPartlin (MediaCom); Cliona Hayes (Indeed); Geraldine O’Leary (RTE) and Deirdre Wafer (LinkedIn).
The Marketing Society extends its sincerest gratitude to outgoing Council members Claire McFerran (Chair), Mark Walsh (Secretary) and Louise Soye (former Treasurer) for their dedication to the Society and its members over the past three years.