Home IMJ Magazine Issues IMJ February 2019

IMJ February 2019

Cover Story

Special Feature
Core’s Alan Cox examines some of the key trends and influences at play in the media and marketing world.

Marketing Matters

Radio’s Overnight Success – Gabrielle Cummins, Choose Radio
The Media Roulette Wheel – John Dunne, Ignite Digital
The Evolution of Experiential Marketing – Marcus Prestage, InSight Marketing / APMC
#10YearChallenge: Marketing 2009 vs 2019 – Mark McCann, OLIVER Ireland
The Results Are In… – TAM Ireland

PLUS Digital Marketing

Stop Selling and Start Communicating – John Ring, Tinderpoint

All these and more plus the latest campaigns, who’s moving where and what has been happening in On the Town in your IMJ this month.

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