As the marketing and advertising industries adjust to new and unchartered waters, Thinkhouse’s Youth Lab, is rolling out its annual Youth Culture Uncovered report online.
Normally launched at an annual event hosted by Thinkhouse and The Youth Lab, its insights, strategy and planning division, Youth Culture Uncovered provides an in-depth look at the youth market and focuses on the key trends and issues that brands should be aware of.
The 2020 edition of Youth Culture Uncovered is called Emerging in an Emergency it will explore the effects of Covid-19 on today’s young people across a number of topics- including their outlook, learning and education as well as climate and connection.
As part of the roll-out, Thinkhouse has already started to reveal some of the insights via its Instagram channel on a daily basis. It is also hosting a number of virtual workshops on Zoom while it will also explore “different scenario maps to reflect potential pathways for youth engagement and conversion.”
According to Claire Hyland, head of The Youth Lab: “At The Youth Lab, we spend our days looking at the world through the lens of young people. Now more than ever before, our research needs to reflect a real time perspective, given attitudes and behaviours are changing daily as the world comes to grips with the Covid-19 outbreak. We are incredibly devoted to mapping out the ongoing changes in young people’s perspectives and translate our insights into survival strategies and recalibration solutions for both young people and organisations as we collectively emerge from this state of emergency.”