The latest wave of Covid-19 research from Core shows that 59% of people would like to be able to go beyond the imposed 2km limit (respecting two meter distancing) within the next month. This is the restriction which ranked the highest by respondents in terms of which constraint they would like to be lifted, according to the ‘Confidence & Consenus’ research.
As people are preparing to adapt to a new approach in every aspect of life, Core Research asked the public to suggest when they would be comfortable with specific areas of life re-opening. When asking, it was added that each restriction lift or adaptation would require continuing to adhere to physical distancing and strong hygiene practices. The survey results are based on the views of 1,000 partipants.
The second restriction that people want adapted is to allow small group meetings take place, consisting of three people who don’t live together meeting up and adhering to physical distancing. Nearly half of all respondents (48%) said they would like these small group meetings to happen within a month, while the majority of people (particularly Mums) said they would only want this after three months.
This research also separated retail shops from bars and restaurants to understand the demand for economic activity. Once shops adhered to safety guidelines, 47% of adults said they would like shops to re-open within a month, while 23% of adults said they would not want this to happen until September 2020.
While the majority (54%) of people would like to see restaurants, bars and clubs opening by October 2020, the high public consensus (75% agreement) will not occur until April 2021.
The research also shows that men are more likely than women to say people should return to work in June – with 43% of men believing this should be the case. Women are more likely to believe return to work should happen in September.
Those in house shares or living with multigenerations (e.g. family living with Grandparents) are also more likely to be cautious about returning before the summer. Despite some economists believing young workers should return to work, only 29% of those living with their parents say they would be comfortable returning to work. A reason maybe the concern that they bring COVID-19 back into the family home, and infecting their parents.
The re-opening of the state’s education and childcare divides opinion. While 46% of pre-school parents would like to see a re-open in September, 54% believe it should be later. 58% of parents of school children believe schools should not re-open until after September, with 20% of parents saying they believe children should only return when COVID-19 is under control.
According to Finian Murphy, marketing director at Core: “Despite half the population wanting these restrictions lifted, the majority of adults are more cautious about the lifting of restrictions. On every other restriction measured, the majority of Irish people did not believe they should be lifted before September, and specific groups of the population had different priorities.”
“Therefore, this research attempts to estimate a roadmap for public embracing restriction lifting. Based on the current public sentiment, we look to predict when a high-level of public consensus on restriction lifting will occur. 50% of people agreeing a restriction should occur is a low level of consensus, as it has a high level of diversity of opinion. However, when over 75% of people agree (high-level of consensus), there is a higher likelihood that people will benefit and respond to restrictions being lifted.”
To view the full findings of the Core Research report please click HERE