In a new series of features, published in association with the Association of Irish Market Research Agencies (AIMRO), Luke Reaper, chairman of the Association looks at how Irish agencies fared in a recent ESOMAR client study.
The recent independent ESOMAR Global Client Survey conducted in September 2020 clearly outlines that AIMRO (Association of Irish Market Research Agencies) members lead globally in terms of the quality of research delivered to clients.
The motto “the customer is always right” is a phrase pioneered by Harry Gordon Selfridge, John Wanamaker and Marshall Field in the early 1900’s. These were successful retailers who learned early in their careers that the success of their stores depended on the happiness of their customers, and so the slogan has long been regarded as the cornerstone of customer-centricity.
More importantly, a happy customer continues to “buy”, and thus we must recognise that it is the customers who drive innovation, change and evolution, otherwise they would move their spend and their budgets to other suppliers, or indeed, other sectors. This is as true for Market Research and Insights as it is for other sectors.
In a profession such as Market Research and Insights, which has strong roots in science, rigour and ethics, the growing demand for speed, instant feedback, and digital solutions makes it even more important that external agencies continue to deliver quality research to clients.
AIMRO is delighted to report that 95% of clients of AIMRO agencies rated the quality of the research delivered as high. This is significantly higher rating compared to the global average of 70%, with Ireland outperforming all other countries in the study.
Thus AIMRO member agencies are at the forefront of not only Ireland’s, but also the global research industry in terms of both quality and, by extension, client satisfaction.
Two thirds of market research in Ireland is conducted with external research partners, which is higher than the global average (60%). Clients clearly utilise AIMRO agencies for their key strengths of; interrogating and helping to establish strategy, digging deeper, making concrete recommendations and maintaining a spirit of innovation and discovery The strategic role of AIMRO agencies is clear, compared with the more tactical nature of internal research.
It is also encouraging to see that AIMRO agencies are not sitting still, with Irish clients witnessing a significant improvement in the quality of research being delivered by Irish agencies (58% witnessing an improvement in Ireland – higher than the global average (16%).
In terms of the individual components of the research process which Irish research agencies deliver to clients, AIMRO members outscore the global ESOMAR agency average on all aspects according to this independent ESOMAR survey.
These times have clearly highlighted the need for high quality insight, grounded in rigour. It is fantastic to see that the Irish research Industry is underpinned with such high quality credentials.
Irish clients clearly appreciate the value of external research, especially around its ability to deliver a strategic level of insight. Encouragingly, clients acknowledge that the research industry is not sitting still in Ireland, rather it is going from strength-to-strength. Better research really does lead to better outcomes.
AIMRO members are required to operate to a high standard and conform with agreed guidelines and codes. The membership includes both large and small agencies.
Luke Reaper is managing director of B&A and the chairman of AIMRO. The current membership is listed below: