With problem gambling now reaching unprecedented levels in Irish society, Bonfire has launched a new campaign for Turas, the not-for-profit counselling service that offers free support to those impacted by gambling.
The campaign, which will run on OOH, radio and social channels, highlights the reality that problem gambling can be utterly destructive, laying waste to families, relationships, careers and finances. A recent ESRI study estimated that 1-in-30 adults in Ireland suffer from problem gambling – ten times higher than previously thought.  The good news is that there is positive, non-judgemental help out there from Turas.
Agency: Â Bonfire
Concept: Seán Hynes, Ian Doherty.
Creative Director: Seán Hynes
Sound Design: Dean Jones, Scimitar Sound
Client: Turas
Manager at Turas: Nicki Jordan