Home Campaigns KICK Urges Better Food Habits in New Campaign for Safefood

KICK Urges Better Food Habits in New Campaign for Safefood

KICK has created a new campaign for Safefood to highlight the danger of food related ill-health issues as a part of a five year public health campaign to protect children’s health.

The campaign is being rolled out over TV, VOD, Out of Home, digital and social media.

Food related ill-health is now the biggest cause of preventable illness and death with one-in-five children in Ireland either living with overweight or obesity.

Called ‘Building a Healthier Food Environment, the campaign focuses on our food environment and the amount of unhealthy food and drink that surrounds all of us.

According to Fiona Gilligan, Director of Communications, Safefood: This campaign marks a shift in public health campaigning on the island of Ireland in that it is a move away from personal responsibility towards a broader societal response. Expecting any of us to make a healthier choice is simply not possible in the face of constant advertising and promotion of unhealthy foods. We want to start the conversation about how we can create a healthier food environment. From our initial meeting with KICK, we have been impressed with their understanding of our brief, the insights and overall enthusiasm they have brought to the project.”

KICK’s John Breslin adds: “It is always exciting and rewarding to be tasked with creating a campaign to bring about a societal change. The problem is complex so dealing with it was always going to need a holistic, solution-driven response. Through ongoing collaboration with Safefood, we’ve delivered a robust creative platform. The passion, enthusiasm and support that Safefood brought to the project was inspiring.”


Client: Safefood

Director of Communications: Fiona Gilligan

Manager of Communications: Dermot Moriarty

Agency: KICK

Client Service Director: John Breslin

Account Manager: Andrew Browne

Strategic Planner: Neil McKenna

Creative Director – Art: Paudge Donaghy

Creative Director – Copy: Rob Maguire

Agency Producer: Fiona McGarry

Production:Piranha Bar

Director: Gav Kelly

Producer: Emily Brady

DOP: Cathal Watters

Sound: Scimitar

Sound Editor: Dean Jones

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