Home Campaigns Ad of the Week Javelin Rolls Out New God of Showers Campaign for Triton

Javelin Rolls Out New God of Showers Campaign for Triton

(l-r) Fiona McGarry, producer; Cathal O Flaherty creative director Javelin; Audrey Farrelly business director, Javelin; Shauna Barrett, director Earthridge; Phil Atkinson, Triton; Ashley Cooper, director Triton; Avril Murphy,junior account director & Adrian Cosgrove, creative director, Javelin.

Javelin has created a new campaign Triton Showers, having recently picked up the account for the brand’s strategy, creative and media following a competitive pitch process.

The campaign runs across VOD, digital display, social, digital audio and POS and creates a strong distinctive new tone of voice for Triton who also happens to be the Greek mythological God of Water.

“We awarded Javelin our creative and media business because of the calibre of the team and the quality of their work which perfectly matches our ambition for the brand’s growth in Ireland,” says Ashley Cooper, marketing director, Triton Showers.

“We are delighted with our new campaign and the thinking Javelin put into it. It’s strategic, clearly positions the brand anew and is utterly entertaining for such a simple creative idea.”

The first campaign sees Triton launching himself dramatically into Ireland’s heretofore uncelebrated shower sector. And who better than a mythological God of Water to be the new eponymous Triton Showers Spokesperson?

According to creative directors, Adrian Cosgrove and Cathal O’ Flaherty: “This has been one of our favourite campaigns of the year with all the right elements coming together. A simple idea brought to life by trusting, ambitious clients with brilliant casting and production by Bob and Seamus at Wonderbread, Dublin.


Client: Triton Showers & Earthridge Ireland

Marketing Director: Ashley Cooper

Creative & Media Agency: Javelin
Strategic Planning: Yusuf Karimjee
Client Relationship team: Audrey Farrelly, Avril Murphy
Creative Directors: Cathal O Flaherty, Adrian Cosgrove & Des Kavanagh
Media & Digital: Ian Nunoo, Aoife Hofler, Roisin Shaw, Suzan Aktug

Agency Producer: Fiona McGarry
Director: Bob Gallagher @ Wonderbread.

Producer: Seamus Waters @ Wonderbread

Cast : Phil Atkinson

Music: Musica Paradiso
Sound: Dean Jones, Scimitar Sound.

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