The Association of Advertisers in Ireland (AAI) has received a President’s Award at the World Federation of Advertiser’s (WFA) Global Marketer Week in Toronto, Canada, for its publication ‘Marketing Multiplied’, a report published earlier this year by the AAI and Core Media.
The WFA’s President’s Awards recognise national, regional and global industry leadership initiatives that helped advance the marketers’ agenda and make a real difference. This year the WFA were looking for nominations for programmes led by national associations, which are ‘industry’, rather than company-specific, initiatives.
Judges were asked to consider a number of criteria including the importance of the initiative for client-side marketers, any proven measurable impact, the degree of innovation involved and the work’s potential to be replicated in other countries/markets. Only six awards were presented by the WFA this year and the winners were from Ireland, USA, UK, Norway, Peru and Australia.
‘Marketing Multiplied’, launched in January 2017, was the first ever large scale study to review the impact of marketing communications from both a macro-economic and micro-economic basis, demonstrating the significant contribution that marketing makes to national economies and individual businesses.
Co-authored by economists Chris Johns, Jim Power and Alan Cox, CEO of Core Media, ‘Marketing Multiplied’ highlights how marketing is a major driver of economic growth as it provides consumers with information, encourages innovation, promotes competition and leads to lower prices – all contributing to increased sales, higher employment and stronger economic activity. It also includes some of the most compelling local and international case studies in existence that prove and quantify the significant influence that marketing campaigns can have on the growth and profitability of businesses and brands.
According to Barry Dooley, CEO of the Association of Advertisers in Ireland: “Marketing Multiplied’ is the first study of its kind to be published anywhere in the world. We surveyed all the significant research that exists around the world to give a comprehensive analysis of how our industry helps to grow national economies and brands. The study is unequivocal in the fact that advertising and the economy are positively correlated and that increased advertising boosts growth, in a material way. This book will help marketers build robust cases for investment”.