JWT Folk has continued its recent winning streak, picking up the creative accounts for the HSE’s Quit campaign as well as Bord Gais Energy.
The HSE Quit campaign was won following a competitive pitch while the Bord Gais account, which has been run by Publicis Dublin for the past few years, was picked up following an international realignment of the creative and media accounts of Centrica – which owns Bord Gais- into WPP.
The last time there was a pitch for the Bord Gais account in 2014, the agency – then called Target McConnells – also made the shortlist alongside Publicis Dublin, Chemistry and the then incumbent DDFH&B which has has since merged with Target McConnells to create JWT Folk.
The latest account wins come on the back of a few very successful few months which saw the agency pick up the creative accounts for Cairn Homes, Horse Racing Ireland, Dale Farm, Circle K and Sony Interactive Entertainment. In addition, it also picked up a Cannes Lion for its work on An Post’s Address Point initiative.
Speaking about the HSE Quit campaign, Abi Moran, CEO of JWT Folk: “This latest win is a really exciting one for us and we are delighted to take on this challenging and important brief to continue the fight to reduce Ireland’s smoking rates. Quit is the HSE’s most established social marketing campaign and has inspired over 2.5 million attempts to quit smoking since it began in 2011. Over the past few months at the agency we have had a number of exciting new client wins and were also delighted to take home a Cannes Lion for our recent work with An Post on the Address Point initiative. We are looking forward to continued success for the remainder of 2019 and beyond”.