A quarter of all adults believe they are no good at saving money, according to data from Kantar Media’s TGI study. If we look more closely at their attitudes and motivations, some of the reasons behind their inability to keep a close grip on their finances become clear. For example, they are 84% more likely than the average adult to enjoy drinking for long sessions.
They are also three-quarters more likely to admit that they tend to buy products from companies who sponsor TV programmes and similarly more likely to agree that celebrities influence their purchase decisions.
Demographically, they tend to be at the younger end of the age spectrum, being 44% more likely to be aged 15-24 and a third more likely to be in the ‘Fledglings’ TGI Lifestage group (aged 15-34, not married or living as couple, do not live with son or daughter, live with parents). In terms of reaching these individuals effectively, they are 25% more likely to be amongst the top fifth heaviest users of internet and 20% more likely to be in the top fifth heaviest TV viewers.
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