Rothco Rolls Out AIB Campaign that Showcases its Digital Offerings
Rothco, part of Accenture Interactive, has launched a new campaign for AIB that showcases the bank’s digital banking services. According to the bank, it’s understanding of how its customers live their lives has been the driver behind every digitisation it has made to date and which is why Rothco developed a campaign about living instead of banking. Tasked with bringing AIB’s...
BBDO Dublin Writes a Love Letter to the Irish for Barry’s Tea
BBDO Dublin has created two new ads for Barry’s Tea, including one which promotes its decaf range, a first for the company. The campaigns are to run in rotation over the next two years. The main ad for Barry’s popular Gold Blend is called “Love Letter to the Irish” and it continues the brand’s rich creative legacy albeit with a...
New RSA Campaign Highlights Vulnerability of Older Pedestrians
The Road Safety Authority (RSA) has launched a new campaign highlighting the vulnerability of older pedestrians on our roads and the importance of keeping a look out for them when driving. The new campaign was created by BBDO Dublin and according to Shane O’Brien, executive creative director of the agency: “The challenge with this campaign was striking a balance between...
Core Rolls Out Powerful Campaign for Breast Cancer Ireland
One in nine women will develop breast cancer in the course of their lifetime and some 23% of women are diagnosed between the ages of 20-50 years according to figures from Breast Cancer Ireland. With this in mind, it has launched a new advertising campaign to highlight the misconception that it is something that only affects the over 50s. Created by...
TBWADublin & SEAI join forces to ‘Discover A New World of Comfort’
TBWADublin has created a new campaign for the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) to highlight the benefits of home energy upgrades. Dramatically improving the energy efficiency of Ireland’s homes is a major goal for SEAI. Older homes in particular can be transformed to be remarkably more comfortable, and this is made more affordable for homeowners thanks to the Government...
An Post Showcases Its Sustainability Credentials with New Campaign
An Post has launched a new cross-platform campaign to showcase its sustainability credentials. An Post and Folk Wunderman Thompson have launched the ‘Living Leaves a Mark’ creative campaign cementing the organisation’s sustainability credentials. The campaign- which will run across TV, outdoor, press, digital and social - highlights “the big and small steps” that An Post has taken to become a pioneer...
Havas Rolls Out New Campaign for Stout Brand Island’s Edge
Heineken Ireland has kicked off a national campaign to promote its new stout brand, Island’s Edge. The new campaign was created by Havas Dublin and the TVC brings to life the brand story, which “profiles people at Ireland’s urban edges, depicting where bold new ideas are born. The TVC also brings to life the Irish entrepreneurial spirit; where the progress...
Family Stories Take Centre Stage in New Vodafone Campaign
Vodafone Ireland has launched a new though the line campaign called ‘Growing up Together’ to promote its Red Family plan. The new campaign is running across TV, cinema, VOD, digital, social and retail. Created by Folk Wunderman Thompson, the campaign tells one family story through the eyes of two brothers, each of whom has his own perspective. The campaign explores...
Javelin Rolls Out New Creative Campaign to Promote An Post Commerce
Javelin has created a new campaign for An Post Commerce to highlight how it helps businesses of all sizes to promote sell, deliver and succeed. Many business customers are unaware of the full range of tools and technology that An Post Commerce has to offer, from dynamically targeted Direct Mail marketing solutions, to the new e-commerce online hub. A core...
Havas Rolls Out Water Conservation Campaign for Triton
In an effort to encourage consumers to conserve water and save energy, Havas Dublin has created a campaign for Triton to encourage shorter showers. The average person spends around nine minutes in the shower, washing 100 litres of water down the drain. By cutting shower time down to five minutes, water and energy is saved. The campaign consists of a...