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The Science Behind Estimating Ad Spend – Accurately

Elisa Daly explains the science behind creating reliable advertising spend estimates. Transparency is a buzz word that permeates conversations in the Irish advertising industry today....

Where Are They Now?

Why are there currently so few female creatives in the industry? What happened to the art college bias which weighted heavily in favour of...

I’m Legitimately Interested in You!

Huge amounts of money and effort are spent on creating the perfect experiential event one that will lure in the unsuspecting public, dazzle them...

Making Brands Matter in a Fragmented World

Global research conducted by Ogilvy this year indicates that less that 1/5 of client leaders report that they think and act on brand across every...

The View From the Client

The advertising industry is changing but perhaps not at the pace many clients would like. So, what are the views of the people and...

Boring Doesn’t Sell

Colin Hart outlines his views on creativity and why Boring Doesn’t Sell. The now legendary stat that 94%* of advertising is invisible is a bit...

Diversity – Your Right, Or Just Right?

The advertising industry spends a lot of time preaching about how their clients need to transform their business but not enough time looking at...

Advantage Removed

“I believe we’re starting to see the rise of new types of scale that will offer media agencies a significant competitive advantage – provided...

When Agency Planning Demands More

Campaign planners need to look beyond the more obvious who, why and what elements of their campaigns and solve the how, when and where,...

Developing the Right Agency-Client Relationship

Creating the right environment in which clients and their agencies can develop a mutually beneficial relationship has never been more important, writes Una Herlihy. Earlier...