IMJ Features
Avoiding the Content Crap Trap
Unless your content marketing speaks to people and links back to a big idea which in turn meets key business objectives, then it’s a...
Are PR Professionals the unDATAbles?
More and more PR companies are turning to data to help inform strategies, writes Alan Keane.
Public Relations has a long-standing uneasy relationship with data....
What the Heck is PR anyway?
What the “P” and “R” in public relations stands for in the digital age of always on media and fragmenting consumption habits is open...
Connecting Irish Global Brands to Sport
"The fields of play will turn brown and harden, the snow will fall, but in the heart of the fan sprouts a sprig of...
Closing the Gap to Accelerate Growth
The creation of a brand-shaped organisation is by no means an easy task but if brands get it right and they can align the...
This Time it’s Personal!
Customers warm to personalisation and it shows that brands can actually get intimate with their customers. But there’s a few things to remember before...
Apple to Drive AR into Mainstream
Artificial reality has been around for a while now but with the somewhat belated arrival of Apple to the scene, it will go...
Building Bridges in Europe
Creating a partnership between agencies and clients where risk taking, innovation and experimentation can thrive is the way forward and untested innovation can blossom...
The Commoditisation of Digital
With more and more money being invested in digital marketing, it’s lamentable that it has now becoming a commoditized service. But it doesn’t have...
A Very Sensual Experience
Harnessing our senses and memories in the right context and fusing it with the right content can be a powerful weapon for brands and...