IMJ Features
Fear and Loathing in Adland
There’s an unseen entity at work, talking us out of creating truly effective work. We need to trust each other more, writes Graham Stewart....
Putting Diversity in your Creative Armoury
Increasingly agencies are turning to other professions and industries to recruit staff as they begin to realise the potential a diverse workforce can bring...
Sponsorship Calling
In the space of just two years, the sponsorship agency Livewire has been making successful inroads into the growing sponsorship market here in Ireland....
How to Market a Movement
As the recent Trump campaign showed, a movement can be a very effective force when it comes to delivering change. But what can marketers...
Failing to Plan for 2017 Digital Success
How do you line up your digital ducks in a row for 2017? John Ring offers some suggestions.
“Failing to plan is planning to fail”...
Email is Dead, Long Live Email
Rumours of email’s imminent demise are greatly exaggerated. In fact when deployed effectively, email is a powerful marketing tool, writes Jeremy Stanley.
One of the...
Brand Building Needs a New Model
Short-termist thinking is undermining sustainable brand building and growth, writes Kay MCarthy.
The challenge – short-termism has become today’s norm
Recently released research from the IPA...
10 Key Trends That Will Change the World of Public Relations
Like many industries, the world of public relations is changing rapidly. Michael O’Keeffe, chief executive of PSG Communications looks at ten key trends that...
The Contrarian Consumer
Trends are a smokescreen to marketers and they feed us assumptions on which we can plan, create and act. But the reality is that...
Give and You Shall Receive
Brands that give their customers something for free can reap the benefits ten-fold if they are clever, writes Ger Walsh and Graham Carroll.
The art...